Monday, 14 May 2012

The Premiere German Car Repair - Boca Raton Workshop

Cars, both expensive and inexpensive are often close to its owner. Owning a German car, known for its sophistication and smart engineering is like a dream come true for its owner. It’s actually more than just a possession. At times when the owner is not satisfied with the kind of performance it is giving, instead of being a self proclaimed mechanic, one should stick to a reliable repairing workshop as GERMAN CAR REPAIR BOCA RATON WORKSHOP.


German cars are very fine and sophisticated in engineering aspects and of course expensive. Thus, we require skilled and experienced hands. Precision is the keyword to be used in this aspect. The balance between technology and precision, unless which the car may have technical problems in future, is exactly what we get from GERMAN CAR REPAIR BOCA RATON WORKSHOP.

The auto repair BOCA RATON WORKSHOP is abundant with technicians, who are qualified to repair the super specialty German cars and have adequate experience. They can diagnose the problem with the car and fix it soon. These technicians possess license to handle these cars and have certificates which testimony the fact of them being an expert.

Specialized tools and gadgets are required to check the German cars. These gadgets, being very expensive are not found in any ordinary auto repair unlike the super specialty GERMAN CAR REPAIR BOCA RATON WORKSHOP. Lots of computerized machines are needed to diagnose the cars that come for testing, maintenance or any sought of repair. The German Cars are delicate in design and aesthetically beautiful, which deserves to be handled delicately. The specialized GERMAN CAR REPAIR BOCA RATON WORKSHOP ensures no difference in before and after the repair or maintenance of the car.

The higher the price of the car, the rarer is its parts. GERMAN CAR REPAIR BOCA RATON WORKSHOP ensures authentic parts and accessories of German Cars. An ordinary auto repair shop may possess some genuine parts, but not all of them. BOCA RATON WORKSHOP contains all sophisticated parts from genuine source. Nobody desires spurious parts for their car, which may damage the car in a long run. The workshop caters to specialty cars and possesses a selective clientele, who are very sensitive about the treatment their car gets subject to.

These days there are innumerable auto repair shops offering plethora of services in terms of repairing and maintenance of cars, but not every one of them is well equipped and well experienced to handle cars of fine balance, unlike BOCA RATON WORKSHOP.

The manner they perform their task and finish it is orderly and well maintained. The word haphazard doesn’t find a place regarding the way they work. They manage the daily operations without any confusion. Customers can visit BOCA RATON WORKSHOP with or without an appointment. Customer satisfaction is at peak due to their brilliant and fast services. One can never predict the breaking down of a car. In these cases, if anyone wants to ensure that his car is in safe hands, the best option is BOCA RATON WORKSHOP. One can also have the contact number of the workshop to receive immediate help during the breaking down disaster of the car. The quality service and skill of the employees surely make a ‘win win’ situation for the valuable car and car owner both.

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

EUROPEAN AUTO REPAIR CENTER - The Classic Auto Repair Center

EARC is one of the largest service providers for auto mobile repairing. It provides the complete service of all the European branded car including diagnosis, repairs and maintenance and much more. The proprietor of EARC or European Auto Repair is the great Vasile Vintilla who is one of the well reputed master automobile technicians. He earned his academic degree in Mechanical Engineering, besides he possessed Automobile Service Excellence (ASE) certification. Vasile Vintilla also had 11+ years experience with European and Asian automobiles in Boca Raton. EUROPEAN AUTO SERVICE REAPAIR is the home for auto servicing. It has a no. of experienced employees, and each of them is expert in this field. It first diagnoses your problem minutely and then repairs and services your car as per the requirements. It also provides luxurious facilities at lower prices compared to any other service center. Besides it provides pickup and delivery facilities. European auto Repair center provides highest quality service for Audi, BMW, MERCEDES-BENZ etc. It offers the same high quality services and parts but comparatively at lower price. Customer can come and check out for a free inspection. It offers full guarantee on all facets of auto body repair work including Color match, alignment and also give perfect fitting to the cover. It gives attention to detail, never makes any estimation. Tire and wheel is not small issue for your branded car. It gives perfection to your lovely car and European auto repair center always keeps these things in mind. Flat tire repair and four wheel alignment is another great advantage of this center. It also provides Transmission of clutches and Manuel. If guarantee period has expired then it won't matter at all, EARC will provide extended warranty repair.

Special offers will be provided to customers in full synthetic oil service only at $59.95 and 10% off at labor on diagnostic & repairs. European repair center is full of friendliness and they have unity in everything. Along with this they don't waste your time, services are very quick and convenient and they never recommend any service that is not needed immediately. They don't pressure you to purchase any parts, equipments any service. Tune-ups and suspension is very necessary for your car. Brakes computer Diagnosis is another advantage of this. Engine is like life of the car. It provides superior work for engine repair.

Oil is the life of the car and EARC is here to rejuvenate the life of the car. Vehicles' oil should be changed in time scheduled changing of oil Ensures that your car is acting comfortably. It has the following benefits for oil servicing.

  • Wide range of availability including conventional oil, synthetic oil, and semi-synthetic oil based on vehicle specifications.
  • Oil filters substituting
  • Check out fluid levels and bring them at the right levels
  • Vehicle belts and hose review
  • Review of vehicle's air filter
  • Classic conditioning and lubrication.

Along with the European vehicle they also specializes in all Asian vehicles like Lexus, infinity etc. and also in American vehicle –Cadillac Lincoln general motors' etc. If you are interested then you can make appointment online.


  • Problem diagnosis, Engine performance, repairing and servicing.
  • Luxurious Electrical & Electronics system including airbags, air-conditioning, and controller area networks for safety.
  • Transmission diagnosis.
  • Pickup & deliverance committed for customer vehicle.
  • Appointments are prioritized but emergency situations will be addressed timely.
  • Our factory trained mechanics have above 15 years experience in servicing cars therefore our std are very high
  • Believe in full disclosure
  • Check out fluid levels and bring them at the right levels
  • Vehicle belts and hose review
  • Review of vehicle's air filter

Great Mercedes service station in Boca Raton is Waiting For You

Mercedes Service Boca Raton
When time comes to buy your own car, you must look out quite few things. One of them is a high quality car service center near your house which is always available. We have many car service center near our house but it always happen that they are not providing expertly service which we expect from them. Boca Raton car service center established to overcome this problem. There are various options available in Boca Raton and it is well known for providing luxury and high quality services in every field. Boca Raton is the home of the European auto service center. Mercedes is a European branded car manufacturer and demands no introduction. Being a fast vehicle, Mercedes occupy the number one position on the planet. Mercedes car holds comfort and luxury. When you buy Mercedes for yourself, you must ensure that its routine service facility is available. The car is associated with big powerful engine and this is why it is more inclined to injuries because it can run with high speed in micro seconds. Mercedes is the first car manufacturer who offers a collision security system along with breaks on just about all four wheels.

If you are searching for good Mercedes service center, the service center in Boca Raton will not disappoint you. European auto service center has large garage, stocked with special equipment and parts to provide good servicing of most branded car like Mercedes. In order to reap the benefits of having high quality vehicles, it is imperative for the garage where Mercedes is kept for servicing. The technicians care about the parts of the Mercedes on a slated basis. In case of Mercedes servicing, small issues are highlighted very carefully to solve them by ensuring not to face any major problem in future. A Mercedes must sent to that station where all damages are fixed by ASE certified technicians who use best gadgets, tools and technologies for servicing.

Why choose Boca Raton Car Service Station?

In Boca Raton service center, servicing is done according to the desire of the owner and the need of the car. After completion of the servicing the car will be in best running mode. Speaking about the Mercedes service center, the name of Boca Raton comes first. There are many reasons for this recommendation. Boca Raton workshop is replete with the technicians who are eligible to repair certain type of auto. These people can immediately diagnose the problem associated with the Mercedes and try to solve them as soon as possible. The technicians in the Boca Raton complete their task in a systematic way and without following any haphazard way. Raton workshop uses genuine parts and accessories of the car while diagnosing your cars. As Mercedes are quite expensive, no-owner of the Mercedes wants to use spurious parts that will be harmful for long run of the car. Mercedes contains sophisticated accessories so it is important to take it to an authorized service station. The quality of the Mercedes car is excellent therefore if inexperienced hands are given an opportunity to work on the car, there

are chances for getting damage very fast. Mercedes follow very much high quality engineering therefore any damage to it will bring the entire work in halt. Another biggest benefit of working with the technicians who are belonging to the Boca Raton is that you are assured that the diagnosis of the vehicle will be correct and you have to pay what actually is required. As their services are accurate, they can save your money as well as time. It is not easy to choose a Mercedes repair Boca Raton specialist. You can adopt online search to find out the Mercedes repair specialist and you can also check nearest auto station which has a Mercedes specialist in their working team.